Friday, December 12, 2008


Last night at my company christmas party I won a weekend trip to a rustic cabin in woodstock, ny.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome!

Maybe you'll meet a lumberjack and fall in love and decide to live there happily for the rest of time : )

But I bet some people in Philly would miss ya.

Abbey said...

ahhhhhhh! take me with you!!!

My name's Haley said...

I think I've found an amazing lumberjack (well he atleast has a sweet beard) to take with me.

lana bear said...

NO WAY!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear this story! HW always wins the sweet trips! Cabin weekend!

Jason Harmon said...

Im pretty sure I wouldn't hold up in a ESPN competition or anything like that, but I've chopped down a tree or two along the way.