Monday, October 22, 2007

Things We Love

I love the lists people make of things they love, which is why I'm really enjoying this part of the Kate Spade site. Just click on "Things We Love" in the navigation bar.

I'm loving
Tazo African Red Bush Tea
The Boat Wall Paper by Mike Perry
Circle of Hope, the new church Kenj and I are going to
My new grey boots and t-shirt scarf
The TV show "Pushing Daisys"
Open Windows
Cooking these chicken enchiladas
Sunsets over the big ships in the naval yard

Please tell me what you're loving.


Katy said...

I'm loving reading your blog, my daughter Carrie's blog(because there are lots of pictures of Wyatt), and reading other friends' blogs. Maybe one day I'll start my own. But, until then, I'll enjoy everyone elses. Hey, your church looks like it's perfect for you! I'm happy for you. I went on their webpage and it looks exciting and practical! We need more churches like this one! I still want to get together. Let me know when you have a free evening or weekend.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend that goes to circle! which one do you go to? I have friends at both - perhaps you've met them.

My name's Haley said...

I'm going to the one in Fishtown, North Philly.

carolyn said...

hey! my friend raleigh goes to circle of hope...check out his blog

ps i love everyhing about this post and you newest one :)